<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var ms = 0; var state = 0; function startstop() { if (state == 0) { state = 1; then = new Date(); then.setTime(then.getTime() - ms); } else { state = 0; now = new Date(); ms = now.getTime() - then.getTime(); document.stpw.time.value = ms; } } function swreset() { state = 0; ms = 0; document.stpw.time.value = ms; } function display() { setTimeout("display();", 50); if (state == 1) {now = new Date(); ms = now.getTime() - then.getTime(); document.stpw.time.value = ms; } } // End --> </SCRIPT><!-- STEP TWO: Add this onLoad event handler into the BODY tag --><!-- STEP THREE: Put this code into the BODY of your HTML document --><center> <form name="stpw"> Time: <input name="time" type="text" /> <input type="button" onClick_fckprotectedatt=" onClick="startstop()"" name="ssbutton" value="Start/Stop" /> <input type="button" onClick_fckprotectedatt=" onClick="swreset()"" name="reset" value="Reset" /> </form> <font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000000" size="2">Bu bir www.htmlcentre.tr.ggHizmetidir...</body></html>